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Ethan Rife

Ethan is a passion driven crypto enthusiast with a background in guild administration and startup consulting. His passion for crypto led him to launch a guild of his own with 80+ players and $80k in AUM. After dealing with scaling difficulties he launched the Kingdomly project to help bring the benefits of guild ownership to the masses. He currently works as a product manager for FirstFoundry, a venture development studio focused on DeFi, GameFi and Blockchain technologies.

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Kobe Sergio

Kobe is a focused and driven individual. His background in computer science provides the team with development strategy and direction. He has led multiple initiatives within crypto guild operations and has led nearly all data science-related applications already employed across the guild space.

Matthew Rey

Matthew is our API guy! More will be posted here.

Mikha Tapia

Mikha helps out with integrating our backend functions.

Miles Lucio

Miles helps out with marketing and wrote our first Medium article on Kingdomly rentals!


DM our Twitter if interested @ KingdomlyApp